Publications & Talks

You can find below a list of my different contributions, for an updated list you can also refer to my Google Scholar.

  1. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet et J-J. Sinou, Prédiction d'instabilité de crissement pour une frein de véhicule, Brevet International PCT/FR2019/052753, November 2019.
  2. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet et J-J. Sinou, Prédiction d'instabilité de crissement pour une frein de véhicule, Brevet France FR1872222, December 2018.

Journal papers
  1. E. Denimal Goy, A Surrogate Modelling Approach Based on Anti-Resonance Properties for FRF Prediction of Uncertain Dynamical Systems, IMAC, Orlando, USA, 2025.
  2. E. Denimal Goy, Y. Shen, S. Fruchard, A. Mélot and L. Renson, Topology Optimization of Isolated Response Curves in 3D Geometrically-nonlinear Beam, IMAC, Orlando, USA, 2025.
  3. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal Goy, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Damage detection and localization method for wind turbine rotor based on Operational Modal Analysis and anisotropy tracking, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2025 [DOI] [HAL]
  4. J. Yuan, C. Gastaldi, E. Denimal, B. Chouvion, Friction damping for turbomachinery: A comprehensive review of modelling, design strategies, and testing capabilities, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 2024 [DOI]
  5. A. Mélot, E. Denimal Goy, L. Renson, Control of isolated response curves through optimization of codimension-1 singularities, Computers & Structures, 2024 [DOI] [HAL].
  6. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal Goy, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Linear time periodic system approximation based on Floquet and Fourier transformations for operational modal analysis and damage detection of wind turbine, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, April 2024 [DOI] [HAL].
  7. A. Mélot, E. Denimal, L. Renson, Multi-parametric optimization of bifurcation structures, Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2024, 480:2023050520230505 [DOI] [HAL].
  8. A. Bisoi, M. Tüfekci, V. Öztekin, E. Denimal Goy, L. Salles, Experimental Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Additively Manufactured Fibre-Reinforced Composite Structures for Robotic Applications, Applied Composite Materials (2023) [DOI].
  9. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, Efficient parametric study of a stochastic airfoil system based on hybrid surrogate modelling with advanced automatic kriging construction, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 104926 (2023) [DOI].
  10. E. Denimal, L. Renson, C. Wong, L. Salles, Topology optimisation of friction under-platform dampers using Moving Morphable Components and the Efficient Global Optimization algorithm, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65, 56 (2022), [DOI].
  11. J-J. Sinou, E. Denimal, Reliable crack detection in a rotor system with uncertainties via advanced simulation models based on kriging and Polynomial Chaos Expansion, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 92, 104451, 2022. [DOI].
  12. Y. Sun, E. Denimal, J. Yuan, L. Salles, Geometric design of friction ring dampers in blisks using nonlinear modal analysis and Kriging surrogate model, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 65, 98 (2022). [DOI] [HAL].
  13. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, Advanced computational technique based on kriging and Polynomial Chaos Expansion for structural stability of mechanical systems with uncertainties, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 130, 7 (2021). [DOI] [HAL].
  14. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, Prediction of squeal instabilities of a FEM automotive brake with uncertain structural and environmental parameters with an hybrid surrogate model, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2022, 144(2): 021006. [HAL].
  15. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, Advanced kriging-based surrogate modelling and sensitivity analysis for rotordynamics with uncertainties, European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids, 2021, 90:1-20 [DOI] [HAL].
  16. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, Prediction and analysis of quasi-periodic solution for friction-induced vibration of an industrial brake system with the Generalized Modal Amplitude Stability Analysis, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2021, 506: 116164. [DOI] [HAL].
  17. J. Yuan, A. Fantetti, E. Denimal, S. Bhatnagar, L. Pesaresi, C. Schwingshackl, L. Salles, Propagation of Friction Parameter Uncertainties in the Nonlinear Dynamic Response of Turbine Blades with Underplatform Dampers, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, Feb. 2021, [DOI] [HAL].
  18. Y. Sun, J. Yuan, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Nonlinear Modal Analysis of Frictional Ring Damper for Compressor Blisk, ASME. J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power., Jan 2021, [DOI] [HAL].
  19. E. Denimal, C. Wong, L. Salles, L. Pesaresi, On the efficiency of a conical under-platform damper for turbines, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power., Jan. 2021, [DOI] [HAL].
  20. E. Denimal, F. El Haddad, C. Wong, L. Salles, Topological optimization of under-platform dampers with Moving Morphable Components and global optimization algorithm for frequency response, J. Eng. Gas Turbines Power., Jan. 2021, [DOI] [HAL].
  21. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, Generalised Modal Amplitude Stability Analysis for the prediction of the non-linear dynamic response of mechanical systems subjected to friction-induced vibrations, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2020, [DOI] [HAL].
  22. Y. Sun, J. Yuan, L. Pesaresi, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Parameter study and uncertainty quantification of the nonlinear modal properties of frictional dampers, Journal of Vibration and Acoustic, 2020, [DOI] [HAL].
  23. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, Influence of structural modifications of automotive brake systems for squeal events with kriging meta-modelling method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2019, [DOI] [HAL].
  24. J. Neufond, E. Denimal, E. Rigaud, J. Perret-Liaudet, A. Carbonelli, Whining noise computation of planetary gear systems induced by the multi-mesh excitations, Proceeding of the iMeche Part C : Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, [DOI].
  25. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet and L. Nechak, Squeal analysis based on the effect and determination of the most influential contacts between the different components of an automotive brake system, International journal of mechanical sciences, 2019, 151:192-213, [DOI] [HAL].
  26. E. Denimal, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou, J. J. and S. Nacivet, A novel hybrid surrogate model and its application on a mechanical system subjected to friction-induced vibration, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 434:456-474, [DOI] [HAL].
  27. E. Denimal, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou and S. Nacivet, Kriging Surrogate Models for Predicting the Complex Eigenvalues of Mechanical Systems Subjected to Friction-Induced Vibration, Shock and Vibration, 2016, [DOI].

International communications
  1. A. Melot, E. Denimal, L. Renson, Nonlinear system identification with control-based continuation of bifurcation curves, ENOC 2024, Delft, Netherlands. [HAL]
  2. A. Melot, E. Denimal, L. Renson, Structural optimization for controlling isolated response curves, ENOC 2024, Delft, Netherlands. [HAL]
  3. A. Melot, E. Denimal, L. Renson, Parametric optimization of fold bifurcations, Nodycon 2023, Roma, Italy. [HAL]
  4. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M. Leroy, J-L Pfister, L. Mevel, Wind turbine rotor fault detection and localization with anisotropy tracking based on the local approach, WESC, Glasgow, 2023.
  5. E. Denimal, J. Yuan, Multiscale uncertainty quantification in friction interfaces for structural nonlinear dynamics, UNCECOMP, Athens, 2023. [HAL]
  6. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Modal-based anisotropy early warning in wind turbine rotor, IFAC World Congress 2023, July 2023, Yokohama, Japan. [DOI] [HAL]
  7. E. Denimal, J. Yuan, Multiscale uncertainty quantification of complex nonlinear dynamic structures with friction interfaces, Nodycon 2023, Roma, Italy. [HAL]
  8. E. Denimal, S. Gres, Crack-damage quantification based on stochastic optimization of finite element models with data-driven features, ISMA 2022, Leuven, Belgium. [HAL]
  9. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Operational modal analysis and fault detection of wind turbine blades using uncertainties on modes shapes, ISMA 2022, Leuven, Belgium. [HAL]
  10. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Periodic System Approximation for Operational Modal Analysis of Operating Wind Turbine, EWSHM 2022, 4-7 July 2022, Palermo, Italy. [HAL]
  11. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M. Leroy, J-L. Pfister, L. Mevel, Linear Time Invariant Approximation for Subspace Identification of Linear Periodic Systems Applied to Wind Turbines, SafeProcess 2022, June 2022, Cyprus. [DOI] [HAL]
  12. V. Barreau, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Topological optimisation and 3D printing of a Bladed disk, TurboExpo 2022, June 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherlands. [HAL]
  13. E. Denimal, R. Chevalier, L. Renson, L. Salles, Shape Optimisation for Friction Dampers with Stress Constraint, IMAC-XL, Florida, Feb. 2022. [HAL]
  14. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, Advanced meta-modelling techniques and sensitivity analysis for rotordynamics in an uncertain context, IMAC-XL, Florida, Feb. 2022. [HAL]
  15. E. Denimal, L. Renson, L. Salles, Topological optimisation of friction dampers for nonlinear resonances mitigation, Nodycon 2021, Italy, Feb. 2021. [HAL]
  16. Y. Sun, J. Yuan, E. Denimal, L. Salles, The study of the contact interface for compressor blisk with ring damper using nonlinear modal analysis, Fourth Chinese International Turbo-machinery Conference, GuangZhou (China), November 2020. [DOI]
  17. S. Bhatnagar, J. Yuan, A. Fantetti, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Quantification of Uncertainties in Nonlinear vibrations of Aero-engine Turbines with Underplatform Dampers, ISMA-USD 2020, Leuven (Belgique), 7-9 Septembre 2020. [HAL]
  18. E. Denimal, F. El Haddad, C. Wong, L. Salles, Topological optimization of under-platform dampers with Moving Morphable Components and global optimization algorithm for frequency response, ASME Turbo Expo 2020, London, 22-26 June 2020.
  19. E. Denimal, C. Wong, L. Salles, L. Pesaresi, On the efficiency of a conical under-platform damper for turbines, ASME Turbo Expo 2020, London, 22-26 June 2020.
  20. Y. Sun, J. Yuan, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Numerical Analysis of Frictional Ring Damper for Compressor Blisk Using Nonlinear Modal Analysis, ASME Turbo Expo 2020, London, 22-26 June 2020.
  21. E. Denimal, F. El-Haddad, L. Salles, Topological optimisation of vibration levels under periodic load with Moving Morphable Components, IGA2019, Munich (Allemagne), 18-20 September 2019.
  22. Y. Sun, J. Yuan, L. Pesaresi, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Using Complex Nonlinear Normal Mode to Design a Frictional Damper for Bladed Disk, Seventh International Conference on Nonlinear vibrations, Localization and Energy transfer, Marseille (France), 1-4 July 2019.
  23. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet, J-J. Sinou, L. Nechak, A strategy based on genetic algorithm to deal with influent internal contacts, Eurobrake, La Haye (Pays-Bas), 22-24 mai 2018.
  24. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou, On the influence of multiple contact conditions on brake squeal, Eurodyn 2017, Sept 2017, Roma, Italy
  25. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 199, pp.3260-3265, [DOI]( [HAL].
  26. E. Denimal, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, A New Surrogate Modeling Method Associating Generalized Polynomial Chaos Expansion and Kriging for Mechanical Systems Subjected to Friction-Induced Vibration, IMAC XXXVth, Feb 2017, Los Angeles, California, USA, Special Topics in Structural Dynamics, Vol. 6, pp. 17-23, [DOI].

National communications
  1. A. Mélot, E. Denimal Goy, L. Renson, Contrôle de courbes de réponses isolées par optimisation structurelle, CSMA 2024, Giens, Mai 2024.[HAL]
  2. A. Cadoret, E. Denimal, J-M Leroy, J-L Pfister, L. Mevel, Détection d'anisotropie d'un rotor d'éolienne par suivi du changement de phase des modes propres, Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, Sept 2022. [HAL]
  3. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, Méta-modélisation avancée et analyse de sensibilité pour la dynamique des rotors en contexte incertain, Congrès Français de Mécanique, Nantes, Sept 2022.[HAL]
  4. E. Denimal, L. Renson, L. Salles, Optimisation topologique d'amortisseurs par frottement pour la réduction des résonances non-linéaires par approches MMC et EGO, CSMA 2022, Giens, Mai 2022. [HAL]
  5. E. Denimal, Prédiction des instabilités de frottement par méta-modélisation et approches fréquentielles - Application au crissement de frein automobile, Colloque de Recherche Inter Ecoles Centrales, Lyon (France), 18 juin 2019.
  6. E. Denimal, Prédiction des instabilités de frottement par méta-modélisation et approches fréquentielles - Application au crissement de frein automobile, Colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens (France), 13-17 mai 2019.
  7. E. Denimal, J-J. Sinou, S. Nacivet, Mise en place d'une technique numérique pour l'estimation de vibrations non-linéaires auto-entretenues avec frottement - Application à la prédiction du crissement de frein automobile, Colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens (France), 13-17 mai 2019.[HAL]
  8. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou, Influence des conditions de contact sur le crissement de frein, Colloque national en calcul des structures, Giens (France), 15-19 mai 2017. [HAL]
  9. E. Denimal, S. Nacivet, L. Nechak, J-J. Sinou, Influence des états de contact sur le crissement de frein, Journées Jeunes Chercheurs en Acoustique, Vibration et Bruit, Marseille (France), 17-18 novembre 2016.
  10. E. Denimal, A. Carbonelli, J. Perret-Liaudet, E. Rigaud, Static Transmission Error computation in planetary gears by quadratic optimization, Journées des Transmissions Mécaniques 2016, Juillet 2016, Lyon.

Seminars and workshops
  1. A. Cadoret, JL Pfister, JM Leroy, E. Denimal, L. Mevel, Suivie de santé structurelle d’une éolienne par OMA (Operational Modal Analysis) : application à la détection de défaut du rotor, Journées Scientifiques de l’Eolien 2024, St Malo, 25-26/01/2024.
  2. E. Denimal, Meta-modelling for uncertainty quantification and optimisation in nonlinear structural dynamics, Strathclyde University (UK), 07/06/2023.
  3. E. Denimal, Structural optimisation of bifurcation diagrams, 2023 CornerStone Rolls-Royce Conference, Nottingham University (UK), 26/04/2023.
  4. E. Denimal, Surrogate modelling for structural design in nonlinear dynamics - application to friction damping in aircraft application, Inria Saclay, Platon team, 18/11/2022.
  5. E. Denimal, Propagation d’incertitudes et méta-modélisation pour la prédiction des instabilités de frottement, IRMAR, Rennes, 04/10/2022.
  6. E. Denimal, Shape optimisation: a technical solution for the future of the aircraft industry?, Journées Environnement et Numérique, Inria Rennes, 20/11/2021.
  7. V. Barreau, E. Denimal, L. Salles, Topological Optimisation of a Bladed Disk, 2021 CornerStone Prosperity Partnership & Doctoral Training Conference - Imperial College London, (United Kingdom), 29/06/2021.
  8. E. Denimal, Topological optimisation of friction dampers based on efficient global optimisation, UTP Seminars - Imperial College London, Oxford University, Nottingham University (United Kingdom), 12/05/2021.
  9. E. Denimal, Meta-modélisation pour la quantification d'incertitudes et l'optimisation de systèmes non-linéaires, Séminaire FEMTO, Besancon, 28/11/2019.
  10. E. Denimal, Prediction of friction induced vibrations by meta-modelling and frequential approach - Application to automotive squeal noise, Seminar Imperial College London, 05/06/2019.
  11. E. Denimal, Prédiction des instabilités de frottement par méta-modélisation et approches fréquentielles - Application au crissement de frein automobile, Séminaire Inria Rennes, 26/10/2018.
  12. E. Denimal, Mise en œuvre d'un algorithme génétique et d'une méta-modélisation pour le crissement de frein, Séminaire PSA Réseau des systèmes dynamiques amortis, non-linéaires et incertains, 15/12/2017.
  13. E. Denimal, Meta-modelling and uncertainties for mechanical systems subjected to friction-induced vibration, Séminaire Imperial College London, 27/09/2017.
  14. E. Denimal, Etudes sur la linéarisation et la méta-modélisation pour la prestation crissement de frein, Séminaire PSA Réseau des systèmes dynamiques amortis, non-linéaires et incertains, 31/11/2016.